
Showing posts from May, 2023
Test Layout

flask, jython and google blogs, plus anvil-uplink

 By combining 2 Flask servers, Google Blog, Jython, Anvil-Uplink rpc channel, and Flask-SocketIO with Socket.IO.js, you can create a wide range of services. Here are some examples of services that can be built using these technologies: 1. Web applications with real-time functionality: Flask, Flask-SocketIO, and Socket.IO.js enable you to develop interactive web applications that can push real-time updates to clients. This can be useful for chat applications, collaborative editing tools, real-time dashboards, and multiplayer games. 2. RESTful API services: Flask is well-suited for building RESTful APIs, allowing you to create endpoints for data retrieval, manipulation, and integration with other systems. You can use Flask's routing capabilities to define different endpoints, and Flask's request handling to process incoming API requests. 3. Serverless computing: Google Cloud Blog provides serverless functions, such as Google Cloud Functions, which can be triggered by various even

"Turtle earth theory".....

 Once upon a time, there was a group of scientists who proposed a new theory called the Turtle Earth Theory. According to this theory, the Earth was not a sphere, but instead, it was flat like a turtle's shell. The idea behind this theory was that the Earth was actually riding on the back of a giant turtle, just as many ancient cultures believed. The scientists who proposed this theory faced a lot of skepticism from the scientific community. Many scientists believed that the Earth was round, based on evidence from space exploration and satellite imagery. However, the Turtle Earth Theory proponents believed that this evidence was unreliable, and that their theory made more sense. As the debate continued, the proponents of the Turtle Earth Theory started gaining more supporters. People who were skeptical of mainstream science found the idea of a flat Earth riding on the back of a giant turtle to be more appealing than the complex theories put forth by mainstream science. Eventually,