
Showing posts from June, 2023

Linux network configuration saving

Time Travel Thought Paradox

Nitric Oxide and Brain Damage

Quantum State Analysis

Cellular functions for immortality

ReadtheDocs hosting technology

XML to RST Converter

Convert Docx to Rst

Java to Python Template

Imitate Kubernetes API Flask

Kubernetes controlled in python:

Multiple Personalities in Humans

Brain Cell Types Overview

US Debt Problem Solution

GRUB Module Loading Syscall

"Python Assembly Compile Script"

Python Script for Cheat Engine

Wine in Python Syntax

Emulate Squirrel Personality - Python

Python Neural Network Definitions

Selenium Chrome Work Automation

Govt w/o Politics, Lobbying, or Republicans:

0-Sum Investment Plans Explained

Go Compiled Modules in Python

Numpy Neural Network Code

Docker Emulates Kubernetes

Annual Interest Calculation

"Emscripten `ctypes` Library Writing"

Write Binary String to Mmap Buffer

windows binary to python

What did I notice, GPT & all?

People are always searching for something valuable and relatable, something that can be easily understood and applied. This concept came to me in a dream when I was 24, where I saw a donut shop. But this wasn't just any donut shop, it was different, unique, and it sparked an idea in me. In today's world, we need tools that are not just useful, but also intuitive and adaptable. For instance, when I first explored Docker on my Windows10 laptop, I saw its potential as a teaching tool. Similarly, when I delved into ChatGPT by OpenAI, I realized its potential to revolutionize education by mimicking human interaction and generating functional code. However, like any tool, it's not without its challenges. There are concerns about the system making things up or not delivering the expected results. The question that arises is, "What am I inputting that is causing these unexpected results?" This is a common issue that many of us have faced. During a DevOps day, when I intro...

Intellectual Trickster Explores Boundaries Prompt for GPT-3.5/4:

When you have to spend $500/month wisely to live:

Maximizing what you make:

This investment plan explores the potential of maximizing retirement savings by leveraging multiple 401(k) accounts, specifically tailored for part-time workers. The strategy is based on the premise of contributing 100% of an individual's income to these accounts, starting with an initial contribution of $6,000. The income considered varies, starting from $10/hr, increasing to $12/hr after six months, and further increasing up to $35/hr in subsequent years. The plan provides a detailed analysis of the potential growth of these 401(k) accounts over time, considering an average annual return of 7%. It also illustrates the impact of varying hourly wages on the potential returns. The calculations are made for different pay rates, including $12/hr, $15/hr, and $35/hr, providing a comprehensive view of how changes in income can affect retirement savings. Key Insights: 1. **Tailored for Part-Time Workers:** This plan is specifically designed for part-time workers, taking into account thei...

Anyone can become rich:


brython, a brain emulator, sockets, and flask:

ChatGPT-4 by openAI makes a good point

Mind of god: math edition:

How to out innovate: pybrain3, numpy, pytorch, and using GPT3 to build from GPT-2

This is the most innovative solution I could get it to come up with for an open sourced version of GPT-3 & GPT-4

Mind of god template