Spinning ones wheels: Confusion, anger & the Roe V Wade problem:

Dealing with a problem of trust can be difficult as it is not always easy to spot when someone is misleading us or causing confusion. Confusion can be a mixture of things, and it can lead to anxiety, fear, and uncertainty. Emotions play a crucial role in how we perceive things, and they can cause us to spin our wheels in unhealthy ways.

However, understanding our emotions can help us to discern the truth from fiction. It can also help us to backtrack and find the rabbit hole logic that someone might have used to mislead us. When someone tries to cause confusion, they often end up confusing themselves. However, weaponized stupidity can look like confusion, and it can be challenging to deal with.

A passive-aggressive person's behavior can also be difficult to deal with. They might use gossip to harass someone, but intelligent questions can help to stifle their efforts. Honeybadgers are a good example of this. They gaslight you because they have nothing else to work with, and they can leave non-visible scars. However, persisting with the truth and taking up trollish responses can help to combat their behavior.

Dealing with issues of trust is not easy, and it can be complicated by laws like Roe v. Wade. However, understanding our emotions and being persistent in our pursuit of the truth can help us to navigate these challenges.
